Coaching For Men

At The Undaunted Man, we help men hone and sharpen themselves. We help them erase the delta between who they are now and the man they know they can become.

We help men find their vision. We help them let go of the small and petty dreams of the ego, and develop a deep connection with the Spirit that made them. We help them develop the courage and the wisdom and the connection to live into the large and noble life that they were put on this earth to live, and to accomplish the great things that Spirit put them in human form to accomplish.

In short, we help men become more…more Spirit-centric… more visionary…more bold. More at peace in themselves. More in alignment with their highest purpose and their noblest life.

How? We offer 1-on-1 men’s coaching, in three broad areas:

– Executive Coaching

– Spirituality Mentoring

– Relationship Coaching

It’s important to note that we refer to men and women on this site, but more precisely we’re referring to masculine and feminine energy. If your partner has a lot of feminine energy, than our recommendations & advice will apply whether they are male or female. Similarly, if you want to hone in on your masculine energy, we can help you whatever your sexual orientation. As you read, feel free to substitute in whatever sexual orientations & descriptions best fit your life.

Who We Are

Geoff Laughton


Geoff is a Relationship Architect/Coach, multiple-International Best-Selling Author, Speaker, and Workshop Leader. He has spent the last twenty-six years coaching people world-wide, with a particular passion for supporting those in relationships, and helping men from all walks of life step up to their true potential.

Mark Johnson


Mark is a men’s coach, business and relationship coach, facilitator, and wilderness guide with more than 20 years of experience helping people and companies grow. He has been part of The Undaunted Man since 2014, and its CFO since 2016.

Executive Coaching

Every man should have the opportunity to be a giant in the workplace. To help shape the organization he works for, to transform lives and businesses and leave an impact. Every man should have the opportunity to retire knowing he’s left a real mark on the world.

We can help you get there.

If this is you:

  • Successful at work, but you know you could be more. You know you’re not yet the leader you could be. 
  • Lauded by your peers, but still restless. You know you could be doing more…but you’re not sure how to get there.
  • Feeling stuck in the wrong career. The perks and pay are fine, but vitality and fulfillment don’t move in you when you think about walking into the office tomorrow.

We can help you:

  • Become the transformative being your Spirit wants you to be.
  • Step into your true purpose, subordinate your ego…and watch your impact multiply.
  • Find your true calling and step into a career where you wake up every day and cannot wait to get started.

Spirituality Mentoring

Every man who wants a deeper connection to his Spiritual source deserves that opportunity. In other words, to live a life with more joy, peace, vision, and purpose.

We can help you get there.

If this is you:

  • You’ve conquered the business world, but you feel a nagging emptiness. What’s it all for?
  • You’ve scratched the surface of the spiritual world and you’re ready to go a lot deeper.
  • You yearn for a deeper connection to the Divine.

We can help you:

  • Connect deeply with whatever higher consciousness/power that you connect to (or wish to discover). Wake up every day full of joy, peace, and purpose.
  • Subordinate your ego, and be filled each moment with the energy that comes when you’re living your purpose.
  • Quiet the noise, and hear the still small voice inside yourself.
  • Drink deeply of the source water of life itself.

Relationship Coaching

Every man deserves to have a deep and loving connection with his partner. To have amazing conversations, a feeling of excitement when he thinks about her, and regular hot sex. To be in a relationship where he meets her needs and his own needs are clearly met.

We can help you get there.

If this is you:

  • You struggle to rekindle the intimacy of those early days with your partner. You feel like ships passing in the night.
  • You’re a badass at work, but you give your power away at home.
  • You provide for your partner, but it never feels like enough. You’re both missing each others’ needs, so they’re not being adequately met.
  • You miss the hot sex you had as newlyweds.

We can help you:


  • Rekindle the spark in your relationship. Rediscover the fun, flirty, sexual partner you fell in love with.
  • Understand feminine psychology and be the badass man your partner wants you to be.
  • Step up as the leader of your family. Be bold, be bulletproof, be masculine…and watch her open up.
  • Get clarity on whether to stay and fight for your relationship, or if it’s truly time to move on.

The Undaunted Advantage: Individual + Group Coaching

One of the advantages of working with The Undaunted Man is that when you sign up for individual coaching, you will ALSO be placed into a men’s group. This group will include 3-10 other men who are at your level, who are willing to hold you accountable, and who are working on similar projects as you.

The benefits of this 1-2 punch are numerous:

– 1-on-1 calls with Mark or Geoff to set goals and get dedicated support on whatever issues matter most to you.

– Daily accountability from the men’s group to help you achieve those goals.

– Ongoing motivation from the group. Our men have said that being in a band of brothers who are working alongside them on similar goals is transformative.

– 2 coaches. If you do individual coaching with Geoff, you’ll join a men’s group led by Mark. If you do individual coaching with Mark, you’ll join a men’s group led by Geoff. Combined they bring over 50 years of experience coaching men. They also bring comparable experiences and complementary perspectives. 2 heads are better than 1, and you’ll get the benefit of both.

– Mutual reinforcement. The 1-on-1 calls help you identify your goals and nail down your next steps. The daily check-ins with the men’s group will help you go farther faster by immersing you in the work on a daily basis.

Currently Open to A Few Good Men

Our coaching program is not for everyone.

We work with men who have already achieved success in their life, and want to take it to the next level. If you’re currently going 60, we can help you get to 100. If you’re currently going 30, we wish you luck on your journey but respectfully suggest that coaching is not right for you at this time.

We work with men who understand the value of coaching and are in it for the long haul. There are no shortcuts in life; and we coach men who are willing to put in the work necessary to have a transformational impact (on themselves, on their families, on the world). We ask for a minimum 6-month commitment from men.

Master clinician Jonathan Shedler talks about how long meaningful change actually takes: “Scientific evidence tells us the real benefits of psychotherapy begin at about 6 months.” We are doing coaching, NOT psychotherapy; but in this case the same principle applies. Life-changing work is not achieved overnight.

 The ideal candidate is mature, wise, and has taken steps on his spiritual journey. He doesn’t pretend to be perfect, and is humble enough to understand and want to work on his flaws in order to build himself into the powerhouse of a man he knows he can be.

“By learning to focus on my state of being, and taking action from that place, my life completely transformed. I am currently in a joyful, fulfilled marriage, and an owner of a successful business. The leaders of Undaunted are truly gifted in their work, and are adept at creating a container of growth unlike any I’ve experienced.”

Andrew Kiminski

Coaching Programs

Want to work with Mark or Geoff 1-on-1 to build a career of purpose and passion and impact, rekindle the spark in your relationship, and go deeper on your spiritual journey?

Here’s your next step.

We offer a $200 introductory session to determine if a 6-month program is an appropriate fit. On that call, we’ll clarify the biggest obstacles to the life that you want (which are often not what you think they are) and map out a broad gameplan to resolve those obstacles. (If we move forward with a 6-month engagement, the $200 will be deducted from the total price of the program).

If that’s of interest to you, fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.

Coaching for Men