Should You Commit to a Relationship?

Disclaimer: in this discussion on whether or not you should commit to a relationship–including a discussion of the risks of commitment–I am consciously leaving aside the dangers of abuse. I am aware of the risks of abuse, and they’re shared by men and women; but this article will not address abuse since it’s important enough …

America Has Dismantled Our Freedom of Speech

By: Mark Johnson & Julian Adorney This is the third blog post in our series on First World Problems: how the systematic tearing down of American institutions has created a generation of Americans who feel lonely, adrift, and without purpose. In our last blog we looked at the tearing down of the American Civil Religion …

Tearing Down the American Civil Religion

By: Julian Adorney & Mark Johnson This is the second blog post in our series on First World Problems: how the systematic tearing down of American institutions has created a generation of Americans who feel lonely, adrift, and without purpose. In our last blog we looked at the overall phenomenon of First World Problems and …

First World Problems: The Slow-Motion Sacking of the Modern Library of Alexandria

By: Julian Adorney & Mark Johnson What Are First World Problems? First world problems are essentially problems that we deal with in the United States, in spite of–or, perhaps, because of–the jaw-dropping levels of privilege and wealth and safety that we live in. These problems include: – A dearth of meaning in your life; you …

Why We Should Let Boys Be Boys (A Criticism of Cultural Transformation)

In Sweden, preschools are working aggressively to deconstruct traditional gendered norms. The Seafarer’s Preschool in Stockholm, Sweden, made waves for its avant-garde strategy of teaching girls to be more aggressive and boys to be more feminine. Teachers, “cleared the room of cars and dolls. They put the boys in charge of the play kitchen. They …

How Can You Help Your Boy Become A Man?

As a father, you want your son to grow up to be a healthy, masculine man. You want him to have a successful career and feel a sense of purpose when he goes into work every day. You want him to attract the love of a good partner, and to treat them right when he …

Why Is Wisdom Important?

What Is Wisdom? Different spiritual traditions call wisdom by different names. Christians refer to ‘discernment’–the ability to separate out the voice of God from the voice of your flesh and to follow the former. Spiritual teachers like Eckhart Tolle talk about subordinating your ego. For Tolle, the idea is that your ego or not-self (essentially: …